Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Potty Time

I started the slow process of potty training about a month ago. We started out by teaching you the sign for potty, then taking you to sit on your potty once a day. At first you sat on the potty with your clothes on. But I just recently started taking your diaper off when you sit on the potty. At this age, its really hard to keep you in one place for more than two seconds. So while you sit on the potty, you read your Elmo Potty book. You really like it. It is one of those books with sound buttons, which is pretty much the only thing you do with the book.

Anyway, today you were starting to go potty in your diaper (which is really obvious because you crouch down and start grunting). So I quickly said "Let's go potty", and you ran to the bathroom with me. I took off your diaper and sat you on the potty. You already had gone a little in your diaper, but you sat down anyway. Then after a little did it! You went #2 in the potty for the first time. I don't think you really understood what I was cheering about, but I think you started to get it when you saw the poop in the potty. YAY, great job Lexi! I'm very proud of you.

Love Always,

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