Monday, May 10, 2010

14 Months

You are 14 months old today and you continue to crack me up everyday. You still aren't walking. But you have turned standing up into a game that you think is hilarious. You like to sit in a crouching position, then daddy or I will crouch down and say "stand up". Then you will imitate us standing up and laugh your head off. You also like to climb on everything. You learned how to climb into your shopping cart all by yourself and now you are a pro at it. You also climb in and out of your highchair on your own. And right now, you are climbing up my legs to sit in my lap (while making kissing noises). And you have learned how to rappel off of my bed. You know how to get off the end on the foot stool, but that wasn't good enough. So you send your feet off the side of the bed and slowly lower yourself down by the comforter.

You got your 7th tooth about a week ago. But it wasn't a molar like I thought you were getting, it was another bottom tooth. You are eating all kinds of real food now too. And you are even starting to learn to use utensils. You really love try to use a fork.

The cutest thing you have learned to do in the last month is blow kisses. I think Grammy taught you how to do it, because I know I didn't. I can't wait to see what you are going to do next.

Love Always,

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