Monday, December 14, 2009

9 Month Birthday

You turned 9 months old today. I really can't believe it. You are 3/4 of the way through your first year. It is so weird how it seems like you have been with us forever, yet I know that this time last year I was only 6 months pregnant. It feels like our time with you so far has just flown by. I wish that I could just stop time and enjoy everything with you, but that's not how life works. We have to worry about going to work, cleaning the house, running errands...and I feel like this time with you is just passing by without me knowing it.

I decided to start this blog because I feel like your first year is going way too fast. I realized when talking to other moms, that I find it hard to remember the little things that have happened in the last 9 months. I have been writing down your milestones in your baby book, but I can't remember when you started sleeping in the crib, or when you started watching the Baby Einstein movies that you love.

So my goal is to be able to record all of the fun (and sometimes not so fun) day to day occurrences. I hope that when you are older, you will be able to look back at this blog and get to enjoy all of the things we do together. And maybe one day when you have a baby, it will be helpful to know what you did when you were little.

Love Always,

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