Monday, December 21, 2009

Learning Something New Everyday

It is amazing to watch you play. It seems like you learn something new everyday. You have been playing with this rectangular toy for a month now. Each side has something different on it. At first, you just liked to eat the key and the shapes that came with it. Then you learned how to push the buttons for the telephone that is attached to it, and make the noises. Then you learned how to move the cogs of the clock. Now today, you just learned how to push a button that makes the bear's head pop out. Then you learned how to push it back in. You are so proud of yourself. And so am I.

Love Always,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bad Night

We had a bad night last night. You and your Dad have a head cold. I finally got you to sleep around 8:30. Then you woke up 20 minutes later screaming because you couldn't breathe through your nose. I used the nasal aspirator (booger sucker) which you loved, then I decided that you should sleep in the bed with us. You woke up every 2 hours because of all of the snot. I had to get up with you, suck out the boogers then we would go back to bed. But you are doing much better than your Dad though. He is being a big baby. :)

You have always been pretty good at sleeping. You slept through the night from 2 months to 4 months. Then we had a little "stormy period" from 4 to 6 months. During this time is a big developmental leap. So, you refused to take a nap (and if you fell asleep at all it was only for 5 minutes) and you would wake up every hour and a half to eat at night. But from 6 months to now, you have gone back to normal. Taking a 1-2 hour nap every 3 hours and sleeping 12 hours straight at night. This is much better than the other babies from the Mommy & Me group. I thank you very much for that!

On a good note, you ate meat today for the first time without making yourself throw up. We tried chicken and vegetables about a month and a half ago, and that didn't go over too well. This time we tried chicken and rice and you did okay. You seemed to be getting tired of it, so I mixed it with applesauce, which you love.

Love always,

Monday, December 14, 2009

9 Month Birthday

You turned 9 months old today. I really can't believe it. You are 3/4 of the way through your first year. It is so weird how it seems like you have been with us forever, yet I know that this time last year I was only 6 months pregnant. It feels like our time with you so far has just flown by. I wish that I could just stop time and enjoy everything with you, but that's not how life works. We have to worry about going to work, cleaning the house, running errands...and I feel like this time with you is just passing by without me knowing it.

I decided to start this blog because I feel like your first year is going way too fast. I realized when talking to other moms, that I find it hard to remember the little things that have happened in the last 9 months. I have been writing down your milestones in your baby book, but I can't remember when you started sleeping in the crib, or when you started watching the Baby Einstein movies that you love.

So my goal is to be able to record all of the fun (and sometimes not so fun) day to day occurrences. I hope that when you are older, you will be able to look back at this blog and get to enjoy all of the things we do together. And maybe one day when you have a baby, it will be helpful to know what you did when you were little.

Love Always,