You have been very cranky and drooling everywhere for nearly a month now. You have been drooling so much that you flared up your eczema on your chin again and it looks like you took a header off the counter or something. This can only mean one are teething again! And sure enough, I looked in your mouth last Thursday, and you got your fourth tooth on the bottom row (8th total). I also think you are getting 3 molars right now too. I have been trying to feel back there when I brush your teeth, but its kind of hard to tell with you constantly biting me. But I think I feel 3 bumps in the back.
At your doctor appointment today, I asked the doctor to check your molars. He said that there were two on your left side that were ready to pop out, and one on the right that is a little slower. Also, you gained about 3.5 ounces last months. So you are still growing better.
And finally, just like I thought. It only took about 2 days of walking before you were sprinting across the room. And now I have to chase you all over the house. Dang, you're fast!
Love Always,