Friday, April 2, 2010

You Stood Up!

You have been such a stubborn princess. You still to this day do not hold your own bottle. You are perfectly capable, because you hold it once you are done eating. But you refuse to hold your bottle while you are eating. You also refuse to stand up on your own or walk by yourself. You have been standing up on things and walking along the couch since the day after you learned how to crawl (about 4 months ago). But you will not stand up without touching something. You even throw a fit when daddy or I try to make you stand up. You will immediately fold your legs and throw your head back so that we either have to put you back on the ground or pick you up.

But today after your nap, I decided that I would try to make you walk over to your toys while holding my hands. You took a couple labored steps (which you have done before), and slowly lowered yourself to the ground. This is pretty typical, we know you have the coordination and strength to stand because you lower yourself from standing very slowly and precisely. But today, when you crawled over to your toys you picked up your tambourine and shaka-shaka egg and then with both toys in your hands, you stood up on your own! I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first. You stood there for about 5 seconds, then lowered yourself very slowly again. I bet that you will start walking pretty soon. I am pretty sure that you are just waiting until you can sprint before you start walking.

Love Always,